100 Days of Gen AI: Day 4

Today was very productive! I read some docs and published my first chatbot.

I read through these docs:

Then I created a small chatbot in the OpenAI sandbox to answer disc golf rules, that also references the personas of the friends I play with and roasts them in the process of providing answers.

I wanted to publish this chatbot, so I setup a UI using chatbot-ui-lite (much simpler interface than the more fully-featured chatbot-ui).

I was able to get the chatbot running locally within about 20-30 min. I then published it using vercel, a hosting service I’ve never used before. It would be nice to host it on this domain, but that was more work and I ran out of time.

See it running here: https://chatbot-disc-golf-referee.vercel.app/

See the code here: https://github.com/cmonaghan/chatbot-disc-golf-referee

Disc golf oracle chatbot

(Hopefully I don’t come to regret openly publishing my chatbot, funded by my paid OpenAI plan. I set a low usage limit and disabled payment recharge so hopefully that limits the potential abuse / cost.)